Asexuality and a Naked Conversation on #GirlBoner Radio

“It’s so important that there’s support for asexuals. There are people who are scared, like I was, and think they can’t be feminist and asexual, or an artist and be asexual, or that they need to perform sexually to have intimacy with another person, and that’s just not the way it is. You can be asexual, human, and do whatever you want.” — Lauren Jankowski

I’m so grateful for every chance to explore important topics with bold, insightful guests each week on Girl Boner Radio. Yesterday was a prime example.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Lauren Jankowski, a novelist and activist, on what it’s like to be asexual, related myths and what she wishes the world knew about the orientation—such as being asexual doesn’t mean you can’t have a life rich with love and creativity. If you have any doubts about that, a few minutes with Lauren would douse them.

I also shared touching highlights from a 20/20 episode about an asexual couple who met online, and one of the most offensive quips I’ve heard about asexuality, which aired on a popular news network. *quivers* (We can’t work to change misconceptions we aren’t aware of, right?)

Then the wonderful Shan Jeniah chimed in with a reading of her prizewinning Beauty of a Woman BlogFest IV contribution. Her post about embracing her naked body, and how her body image has changed over the years, is unforgettable. She shared her motivation for writing the piece, what she works to instill in her kids regarding their bodies and more.

To listen to the episode, visit this link on iTunes: Asexuality and A Naked Conversation

August McLaughlin_Girl Boner Radio

To learn more about Lauren Jankowski, visit her website, follow her on Facebook & Twitter. Her debut novel Sere from the Green, the first volume in The Shape Shifter Chronicles, is available on AmazonCreateSpaceSmashwords and Square Marketplace.  To stay tuned to Shan Janiah’s happenings, subscribe to her blog.

What did you think of Lauren’s insight? Did she debunk myths you’ve believed about asexuality? Could you relate to Shan’s story? I love hearing from you! ♥

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  1. Thanks for all the info. Nice to know. Great to understand.

  2. I had no idea how complicated asexuality is. Am grateful for the information and the links to Lauren’s website as well as her books. This is quite a thought-provoking interview. Of course, Shan reading her post was even lovelier than I thought it would be. She is such a great parent! As always, I learn from #GirlBoner radio! Thanks, August.

  3. Rattatatosk

     /  March 5, 2015

    Is there any way to listen to this on a non-iTunes platform? Every time I install iTunes it completely ruins my music collection and so I refuse to use it. But I really want to hear the podcast.

  4. Asexuality and a thriving love relationship are absolutely possible. Life being what it is, injuries and illnesses can interfere with nature. There are times when a physical love relationship is sacrificed to this kind of problem. I’ve experienced it, as well as many other men and women I know, and most often the couple remains together. Anything can be saved by true love and the willingness work through difficulties.

  5. Reblogged this on Lauren Jankowski and commented:
    I’m still working on chapter commentary, but I’ve also been dedicating hours and hours into Asexual Artists. Here’s an interview I gave recently on the topic.

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