Why ‘Carb’ is Not a Cuss Word

“I hate you! You make me feel bad about myself! You’re such a….carb!”

If the word ‘carb’ carries a negative connotation for you, drawing up anxiety, frustration or shame, you’re not alone. Large-scale consumer research shows that roughly 25% of Americans are currently dieting. And low-carb, high-protein diets are among the most popular.

Before I explain why carbohydrates play a hugely important role in our diets, let’s examine why we’ve grown to detest the marvelous macronutrients in the first place:

1. Processed carbohydrate-rich foods, like cakes, cookies, candy, white bread and chips, are easy to overeat. (And trust me, commercial food makers know this.) Many are also low in vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber.

2. Overeating any food routinely causes the body to store excess energy as fat. So just as the dieting industry advised us to cut fat from our high-fat diets in the 90s, it advises us to cut carbs from our high-calorie, high-carb diets for weight control nowadays. Americans spend over $45 billion dollars on dieting each year. So it’s no surprise that messages of “low-carb” are widespread throughout the media.

Think about it. Why would an industry that profits on our inability to reach or maintain a healthy body weight promote a technique that works long-term? Hmm…

Low-Carb Diet Risks
Low-carb diets often trigger initial weight loss, in the form of water weight—not fat loss, or as a result of consuming fewer calories. Like other diets, low-carb diets have an extremely low long-term success rate. More often, they lead to weight gain, binge eating behaviors, and a significantly increased risk for obesity and obesity-related health problems, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, certain forms of cancer and heart disease.

Low-carb diets are typically high in protein and fat. Eating excessive amounts of protein or fat needs leads to weight gain. High-protein, low-carb diets also tend to lack fiber, which increases your risk for constipation, diverticulitis and other digestive problems.

Limiting carbs interferes with brain function. This is why psychologists have coined the term “Atkins attitude,” which refers to increased anger, frustration and depression among low-carb dieters, according to Judith Wurtman, the director of the Women’s Health Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Carbohydrates are the body’s and brain’s main fuel source. We need sufficient amounts to exercise, build and use muscles, think properly and sleep well. 

Carbs and the Brain
After we eat carbohydrates, they enter our bloodstream in the form of glucose. Because the brain doesn’t store glucose, it requires a steady supply from food. Once in the brain, glucose allows the brain to produce feel-good chemicals, like serotonin, which promotes positive moods. Carbohydrates also enhance memory skills…

In a study conducted at the University of Toronto, senior citizens were given a meal of cereal, milk and fruit juice for breakfast. Twenty minutes later, they showed significantly better memory function compared to senior citizens who did not consume the carbohydrate-rich meal.

Carbs and Muscles
Contrary to popular belief, amping up our protein intake and skimping on carbs does not facilitate muscle growth or toning. Our muscles rely on glycogen for fuel—a form of sugar that derives from carbohydrates. While building muscle, our protein needs bump up to 15 to 20 percent of our diets, according to the American Dietetic Association. No benefits have been shown by consuming more. Avoiding carbs, on the other hand, promotes early workout fatigue and lean tissue loss.

Healthy Carbs and Weight Control
Nutritious carbohydrate sources, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, are top sources of fiber. Fiber promotes fullness between meals and guards against obesity-related health risks. So it’s no surprise that many studies have linked diets rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables with positive, lasting weight control.

Simple Ways to Get the Most From Carbs

Choose whole over processed most of the time. For optimum health, the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans—a report based on loads of research and dietary expert insight, recommends eating at least three 1-oz servings of whole grains daily and making sure that at least half of your starches consist of whole grains.

Color your plates. (No, not with M&Ms…) Unlike added sugars, sugars that occur naturally in fruits, vegetables and other whole foods have a beneficial impact on blood sugar levels and overall health. To meet your basic vitamin and mineral needs, the ADA recommends eating at least 2 cups of fruit and 2.5 cups of vegetables per day. For even more benefits, like a lowered risk for chronic disease, aim for 9+ collective servings.

Balance your plates. One super easy way to eat a great balance of nutrients is the “plate method.” Fill half of your plate with fruits and/or veggies, one-quarter with a lean protein source, like beans, fish or yogurt, and one-quarter with a complex starch, like whole grain bread, pasta or rice. Then add a bit of healthy fat. Healthy fat sources include olive oil, canola oil, nuts, seeds, avocados and fatty fish.

Enjoy treats in moderation. Cutting out all refined foods works for some people. But if you adore brownies, french fries, white bread or other low-nutrient foods, incorporating moderate amounts into your diet can stave off feelings of deprivation. To take your treat foods a nutritious step further, prepare them with whole ingredients. Make whole grain cookies and breads. Top your favorite ice cream with fresh berries. Or swap French fries out for baked sweet potatoes “fries.”

Some of my favorite, super-nutritious carbohydrate sources:
Fresh and frozen fruit
Fresh and frozen vegetables
Brown rice
Wild rice
Sweet potatoes, yams and squash
Beans and lentils
100% whole grain breads and tortillas (such as Ezekial brand)
Air-popped popcorn, seasoned with natural herbs
Oatmeal cookies with raisins or dark chocolate chips
100% whole grain cereals (such as Kashi)
Whole grain pasta (whole wheat, brown rice or spelt)
Old-fashioned or steel-cut oatmeal
Whole grain veggie pizza
Fruit-topped whole grain pancakes
Greek or organic/all-natural yogurt
Dark chocolate

So spill it! Are carbs your friends or enemies? What are you favorite sources? Any goals I can support you toward? I can’t wait to hear from you. 🙂

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  1. We’ve been enjoying Quinoa and Amaranth on our plates instead of white rice lately. One of our favorites is a heaping plate of greens (Kale or Chard often) with quinoa and then a small serving of fish or a nice sausage. Yum!

    Thanks for letting people know that carbs are NOT evil. 🙂

  2. Thank you for this post, August. Many of us still think that dieting equals starving. It is great to see some myths dispelled.
    I realized a while ago that the key is balance. When in doubt, I follow “everything, in moderation.” I did switch to whole grains whenever possible.
    I had never before of Atkins attitude–it explains a lot 🙂
    Thank you for sharing your research and knowledge with us!

    • I meant “never heard”
      *sigh* it’s going to be another one of those days… 🙂

      • Perhaps you need more carbs… KIDDING! Loved your comment, type-whoops and all. Moderation really is the key and whole grains rock in so many ways. 🙂 Stay well, Fabio!

  3. When I did the P90X workout two years ago, I went on the accompanying low-carb diet with varying success. I realized I had MANY fewer digestive problems (which is saying a LOT since I spend a good 80-90% of my time in pain/discomfort) but I also got very depressed about 4 weeks into the plan.
    Over time, I have developed a lower grain diet for myself that seems to help with the chronic digestive problems, but also gives me enough fuel to keep my brain working properly.
    Thanks for bringing to light the GOOD of real, unprocessed carbs!

    • I’m so glad you’ve found a healthy way of eating that feels fantastic, Jana.

      Low-carb diets, and many others, often do contain seeds of truth and, in some cases, teach us about ourselves and our bodies. It can be difficult to know what’s working/not working diet-wise until we make changes.

      While I don’t condone diets/dieting, I’m grateful for the lessons people like you gain from them. It takes an insightful, proactive person to do so!

  4. Amen~! and right now I”m munching a post-workout sandwich made with whole grain bread and a protein source.

    I eat a ton of fruit – more fruit than veggies, because every night I have a “smoothie” with lots of fresh fruit, plain green yogurt, sometimes almond/coconut milk, and a little flaxseed, and ice cubes. It’s a great way to eat my fruit and my yogurt all at once and fill me up.

    I have better success at maintaining my weight (or losing a few pounds if needed) on a carb, protein, fat combo – but limiting my added sugar items and white flour items to “not often.”

  5. Smart post August. I learned to eat the right kind of carbs when I was on the P90X workout like Write On, Jana. But I didn’t experience the negative effects she pointed out. It might be finding what works best for our bodies. If only I could get the rest of my family to stick to these eating habits. Ugh! 🙂

    • I hear you, Debra. Leading by example and learning fun, tasty ways to prepare healthy food tends to inspire the same in others. If you’d like recipes, let me know. 😉

      So glad you’ve embraced nutritious fare and are digging the benefits!

  6. Great post, August! I can’t imagine how people try to function on Atkins-like diets. Especially if you’re doing any physically taxing activity. Roy and I eat organic and primarily vegetarian, but his recent bout with a blood clot taught us a surprising fact. Although it was caused by trauma, he also set himself up as a prime candidate by eating way too many leafy greens. Is that weird? The vitamin K in things like kale and chard thickens the blood and makes it clot more readily.

    • Great question, Alicia. Too much vitamin K is known to cause such problems in people susceptible to blood clot disorders. I’m not aware of such issues in the general population. Hope you’re both healthy & well now!

  7. Reblogged this on FierceBuddhist and commented:
    A good start on discovering who you are.

  8. I am with you–everything in moderation. Deprivation will only lead to over consumption, unless one has no real hankering for the banished food (e.g., I don’t eat red meat and never miss it).

    Thanks for another great post!

  9. paywindow7

     /  March 13, 2012

    Years ago during a food/diet marketing blitz, directed and stirred on by the media, I became somewhat shell shocked as too what diet and foods were socially acceptable. Everythng I enjoyed eating was deemed to be deadly and what I was advised to scarf down instead was tasteless ferns and grasses.
    So now I eat what I want and refuse to partake of “whats good for me”. Will it kill me? Rather that than a high speed impact with a train.

  10. Always in search of carbs that are not grains (including rice), or starches as I have gluten, yeast, and sugar issues so I do rely on green, leafy vegetables and lean protein. However, I have been able to tolerate buckwheat and just found out about soba noodles.

    August, any opinion on soba? Appreciate any information you might want to share/deem germane to this post.


    • Hi Karen,

      I like soba noodles. They contain valuable amounts of soluble fiber and protein. If you’re intolerant to gluten, however, you’ll want to seek out gluten-free varieties, as some are made with buckwheat and whole wheat.

      Leafy greens and other non-starchy vegetables are great sources of vitamins and minerals, but you’d require lots in order to meet your carbohydrate needs.

      Other nutritious gluten and yeast-free carbohydrate sources I’d recommend include all fresh/whole fruits, baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, brown rice, wild rice, popcorn and gluten-free oats. (Some commercial oats are processed with gluten.) Hope that helps!

      • Thanks so much, August. Have not been able to tolerate fruit for the last two years–malabsorption issues–I am going to return to sweet potatoes, however, and when I get really brave, I will try baked potatoes, again. Years of bad eating have taken their toll but slowly, I am getting better.

        Really, really appreciate your suggestions, August.


  11. Kara

     /  March 13, 2012

    Love your list of good carbs. I hate that people think they have to eliminate all carbs in their diet. You gave lots of great reasons why we shouldn’t! I try to sneak in whole grains whenever I can, but sometimes we treat ourselves to those carbs we crave. All about moderation:) Great, informative post August!

  12. Thanks for some good info! Diets usually fail me because they end up being about deprivation and being hungry. I hadn’t realized the connection of carbs and memory. Now I can eat my breakfast cereal without guilt! My favorite snack for on-the-go is dried fruit – blueberries, cherries, raisins, etc. With meals, long grain & brown rice, brocoli. I love Mini-wheats and Cheerios – not great, but better than many other cereals. My vice is Mountain Dew, which I know is god-awful, but I limit myself to one can a day. Moderation, not deprivation!

  13. Terrific post. I’m a real believer in healthy carbos. Being a dedicated workout fanatic I rely heavily on them for that much needed boost of energy throughout the day. The more you have to burn — the more you burn. Some of my favorites are whole grain breads by Alvarado Street and plenty of organic bananas. Love smoothies. As to the clot. I had my blood tested for everything under the sun. Fortunately it was totally normal. Which goes to prove that anybody can get a blood clot. According to my doctor (who specializes in clots) trauma was the cause. Still it’s made me more cautious as to my diet. I believe even too many greens are not good. Before the accident I was literally piling on the kale, chard, and spinach every day. Nature is all about balance. Vegetables rich in vitamin K should be equalled with foods that thin the blood — and there are loads of them.

    • You’re so right, Roy… Eating too many sweet potatoes or carrots can turn us orange! Just one example, to add to yours.

      Everything in moderation and proper balance. I fully commend your passion for a nutritious lifestyle. Keep it up! 🙂

  14. These posts are so needed August. So many people still eat an unhealthy diet and have no clue. My husband and I were forced to eat a balanced healthy organic diet because of health reasons, but it was a blessing in disguise. We do not eat processed foods. I feel horrible when I do. Love bagels, but they DO NOT love me. And now I’m trying to eat a low gluten diet. I say low gluten and not no gluten because I haven’t been diagnosed with the disease, but I think I am a bit sensitive, so it doesn’t hurt. Great reminders. Thanks girl! Funny, I am writing a post for tomorrow about food also. It’s a change for me, but it was great fun writing it. It will probably flop, but oh well, I thought I would try something new. Have a great day! And do share with us how the L. A. writers group’s meeting goes next week. I’m so sorry to have to miss it. My son and daughter-in-law are coming in from Phoenix. Hey, family trumphs a meeting eh? 🙂

    • Health problems sure do have some hidden and surprising benefits, Karen. I know I’ve learned and benefited from mine. You’re probably far more in tune with your body and its need than someone who’s never *had* to look deeper.

      Can’t wait to read your food post! (You aren’t capable of flopping. ;))

  15. I don’t hate on carbs in fact it is my middle name and I could live on bread alone…..two bad cliches, but I couldn’t help myself. I just exercise and stay away from processed foods…
    Great post!

  16. Ginger Calem

     /  March 13, 2012

    I believe every body will respond to different degrees of carbs but they should always be complex and healthy ones. I am at my leanest, strongest and healthiest with all of my carbs coming from veggies and fruit in moderation. As soon as I slip in any whole grains (or dairy for that matter), by body responds negatively almost immediately.

    So I save those for treats, knowing I’ll pay for it a bit, but I get right back on track.

    Thanks for such great info to help people get and stay healthy!

    • Each of our body’s is certainly unique, Ginger. I’m so glad you’ve honed an eating lifestyle that works great for you. Thanks for the support!

  17. Coleen Patrick

     /  March 13, 2012

    Great post August. I love all those foods on your list (although not all love me lol)! I feel so much more balanced when I mix it all up–veggies, whole grain carbs and fruit, etc. I remember doing the Atkins thing once and the moment I finished my eggs for the first day’s breakfast, I was dying for orange juice–and I never drank oj. I think my body was telling me it needed some balance. 🙂

    • LOL. Yes, that’s another common side effect of low-carb diets—increased cravings for carbohydrate-rich foods. The fact that you feel balanced when you eat a mix of nutrients is the best “proof.” (In the healthy pudding, right? Couldn’t resist. ;))

  18. This is one of the BEST blogs on nutricious eating I’ve read in a while. You have some great tips and excellent fact sources.

    Thank you so much, August!

  19. Fantastic post August. Finally, a carb friendly friend. LOL!!
    What great information and it’s great to read about how carbs are our friends. I also love how you talk about finding ways to enjoy your treats in moderation while still working in some whole carbs as well. Hubby and I have made a lot of small changes in the last little while to some healthier carbs like sweet potatoes over white, whole wheat bread instead of white and whole wheat pasta.
    My question for you is about rice. Hubby won’t do Quinoa so my choices are brown, white, or Basmati. I prefer Basmati but they are all high in calories…is Basmati better than white but not as good as brown? Would love feedback!
    Tks for the FAB info dollface….you rock!

    • Hi Natalie! Brown and basmati rice are both great options. Brown is higher in fiber, but basmati is the only “white” whole grain. (Crazy, right?? And scrumptious…)

      Regarding calories, I wouldn’t focus so much on the quantity, but the quality. Calories, or energy we get from food, from nutritious sources fill us up more, promote health more and tend to lead to improved portion control.

      To make your rice even more filling and nutrient-rich, yet light, mix 1 cup of cooked brown or basmati rice with 1 – 2 cups of cooked vegetables. You’ll be amazed at how much delicious food you get to eat without feeling (or looking ;)) stuffed. Pair it with some lean protein—beans, fish, etc., and you have a nutritious feast.

  20. T’was amazed to discover how many carbs were in stuff that I ate. Like, way too many. Since then I’ve cut back, and I balance them with protein…but I still get my favorite carbs from a certain nutritionist’s HBGs. 🙂

  21. So excited to see this post. I love carbs, and really struggled at times when I had friends going on low-carb diets and cutting out some of the things you mentioned like fruits, sweet potatoes, and wild rice. I think a little balance is now returning as people start to realize that low-carb diets aren’t really sustainable long-term. At least I hope that’s the case.

    • I hope that’s the case, too, Marcy! While I don’t see a prompt end to the low-carb craze (which has bounced away and back since the late 1800s, especially after Mr. Atkins launched his plan in the 70s…) scientific evidence is accumulating that shows that the diets aren’t only difficult to sustain, but unhealthy and, in some cases, dangerous. And I do see more overall efforts toward balanced, healthy lifestyles.

      It can be really tough being around people who are totally enthused about their latest diet—whether we know/sense the diet is unhealthy or not. Glad you’ve stayed strong. 🙂

  22. Great post! I love chocolate so I recently switched to organic dark chocolate – 70%. It is so delicious and I often buy it with nuts in it – to add some protein to my treat.

    Thanks for the tip on oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I’m always looking for a healthier alternative to sweets, so I don’t deprive myself.

    I did a low carb diet and I was miserable! I lost weight, but gained it back, plus more when I started eating carbs again. My body was famished so I over ate! Now, I eat whole wheat pasta and bread. I’m sure there is room for improvement in my diet, but every little bit is slowly making a difference!

    Thanks for the great post!!

    • Your experience with low-carbing is sadly common… So glad you’ve found a healthier path since! I encourage people to recognize that no one eats “perfectly.” Those gradual, healthy changes you’ve made tend to work best. Keep it up! 🙂

  23. Wonderful and much needed post August! I’ve never been one to diet, in the losing weight sense, despite weight being a struggle for me. Just like everything else, balance is the key. Our food eye-opener came when #3 wee beastie was put on a restricted diet. Great list of healthy carbs.

    • I’m glad you haven’t joined the weight loss dieting bandwagon, Raelyn. Consider yourself blessed! (And lots healthier/lighter than you likely would be having dieted…)

  24. You forgot cheetos on your list of favorite carbs! Oh…that’s just me? Well, at least sweet potato fries are a good substitute.

    Listened to a nutrition show on NPR earlier this week and thought of you! Best change I’ve made so far, keeping a food diary. Holds me accountable.

  25. Great post! I lost 65 pounds on the Ideal Protein diet last year, but it was low carb AND low fat. Basically retrains your body how to process carbs, and then you’re on your own as far as eating healthy carbs, as you mentioned. One thing that I’ve been told: don’t eat both fat and carbs at once. Also, diet drinks are a joke. Aspartame is bad stuff – bod processes it like sugar.

    Have you ever tried turnip fries? Slice them like crinkle fries, season, and bake until crispy. Great substitute. I have to constantly watch my carbs, because they’re my killer, but it definitely makes a difference when I eat whole grain and other healthy carbs:)

    • Turnip fries…Brilliant idea! Turnips are a good source of vitamin B-6 and calcium, so big nutrition bonus there.

      Separating carbs and fats stems from a diet technique known as food combining. It doesn’t make sense from a physiological standpoint, but if you feel healthier doing so, there’s little harm. That said, we don’t absorb fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamins D, E, A and K, without some fat, so I steer clear people away from it in general.

  26. TIMELY post, August. The cosmos must be aligned properly for me.

    I had been thinking about kick-starting my goal to lose my winter jelly-belly with the Dukan (sp?) diet. It’s apparently become quite popular. The problem? NO CARBS for a short period and then phase them in.

    I do not NEED to lose a lot of weight. I’m carrying 5 more pounds than I did at the beginning of winter and logic tells me how it developed. I permitted excuses to keep me away from my brain-and-body healthy exercise routine. And, I ate far too many empty, sugary calories. Intake exceeded caloric output. Duh.

    I eat whole grains. I eat brown rice. There was a voice of sanity on my shoulder telling me any diet that restricts fresh fruits and veggies is a bad plan. I’m back on my exercise routine. Back to eating healthy.

    I don’t need a drastic change. Besides, low and no carb diets make me feel cranky, and I get low-grade headaches.

    Friends tell me it takes three days to “retrain” my body and rid myself of the impact of no carbs. I don’t want to retrain my body to accept anything less than a balanced diet.

    Temporary insanity averted thanks to you, August.

    • I’m so glad my post intervened, Gloria. Drastic changes, unless medically recommended due to health emergencies, are seldom effective and often harmful. Your instincts were right: Rigid rules, particularly eliminating nutritious foods, are big diet red flags.

      I reviewed the Dukan Diet as part of a feature for EHow.com. If you’re interested in learning more of the risks, here’s a link: http://www.ehow.com/feature_12218857_risks-award-show-diets.html

  27. I’ve never met a potato I didn’t like. Now that I’m gluten-free, I’m having to learn how to make my own potato chips and french fries.

    I’m pretty excited about the whole thing, actually. As many chips as I want during PMS??? Yowza!!

    • I LOVE homemade “fries.” Once you try the natural, homemade kind, store and restaurant varieties are practically tasteless…at least, in my experience.

      Three cheers for PMS friendly chips! 😉

  28. Carbs are totally our friends and just like in life, it’s always better to choose the one that’s good for you and stay away from the ones that might lead you into trouble. A calorie is not just a calorie and a carb is not just a carb. Great post, August! I always get so inspired to look at my life a little different after your fabulous posts on health and beauty.

    • Well said, Tameri. Those “trouble” carbs vary between individuals, based on our emotional and physical needs. Someone with severe food anxiety, for example, may not fare well with even a small dessert. Ideally, we reach that happy balance of mostly nutritious and plenty of wiggle room.

      I’m touched that you’ve found inspiration here. Stay well, friend!

  29. Thanks for this reminder August! I need to eat more fruits and veggies that’s for sure. I do fine with the bread and chips but at least it’s all gluten free 🙂

  30. I haven’t read all of the comments yet but I’m going out on a limb and repeating what I know everyone else has said…great advice! I’ve tried low-carb diets in the past and, while I don’t remember having a problem with the Atkins Attitude, I do remember that cutting out carbs that drastically was hard to do for very long.

    One thing I do notice though is if I eat too many carbs, I ‘crash’ 30-60 minutes later. No, I’m not diabetic that I’m aware of (and I’m sure my doc tests for that in the annual blood test). But I do feel better…and avoid the crash…if I limit carbs to 40 or fewer per meal/snack.

    This type of eating plan is the best way to go…the kind where people just use their heads. I was SO sure that The Belly Fat Cure was THE best eating plan on the market that I actually bought the book. And about eight weeks later the author announced that he was writing a new book because he found an even better plan (low carb, minimal fiber, of course). That’s about the time I discovered that he’d written several books about other different ways to eat and exercise.

    We’re all being duped by ‘experts’ whose only goal is to get rich from selling us their books and/or products.

  31. As a celiac, so many carbs are out of my life. then I overdid it with the rice flour (can you say 2 year old stamping her feet saying “I will eat all of this then?) Of course rice products are so dense I put on weight in no time flat. and now I can’t seem to find the combination of foods I need to release it. fascinating to me to observe – since it’s nothing more than a chemistry experiment.

    still having problems with the celiac’s (I Have dh version) so I know there’s something I’m eating that is impacting my system but I’m nearly at the point to give up all grains and go solely with things I could: protein fruit and vegs.

    • Celiac poses so many challenges, Louise. Avoiding gluten has become a huge trend…and I don’t think people realize what it really means to have an intolerance to the protein.

      I’ve had clients with celiac who have found eliminating then reintroducing grains—namely brown rice, wild rice and popcorn—helpful. Sweet potatoes, squash, beans and lentils can also be a saving grace, while allowing you to get enough complex carbs for energy, mood balance, digestive health, etc. I hope you have lots of support and resources at your reach. In either case, here to support you in any way I can.

      • thanks for the offer, August. the big thing for me is the hidden gluten – toothpaste, make up, shampoo etc etc. it all affects my skin. i am so tired of fighting to get my skin healed.

    • Have you tried Cleure? It’s a line of gluten-free, hypoallergenic skincare products and toiletries. I’ve heard great things: http://www.cleure.com/

  32. BoJo Photo

     /  March 16, 2012

    If limiting carbs limits brain function pass me some carbs! 🙂

    I was listening to a doctor the other day explain why as you have that low carb diets do not work. My cholesterol was high once and a doctor I was working out with told me to just start eating nuts. My cholesterol has been perfect ever since. I was worried as my mom has had trouble with hers and I detest taking pills, so I’m very thankful that the nuts worked! 🙂

    The doctor also said people eat way too little whole foods.

    The doctor also said as you that natural sugars are the very best preventive for arteries being clogged.

    Amazing how many diets lack FLA’s.

    Dark chocolate! 🙂

    Another fabulous article!!!

    • Sounds like you have a wonderful doctor! Whole foods are key. If we emphasize whole foods and use moderation with others, we’re bound for nutritional success. Stay well. So glad you enjoyed the post!

  33. Love your dietary advice and I realize the importance you place on this after having some issues in your own life. Why ‘Carb’ is Not a Cuss Word, makes some great points. After struggling for years trying to lose weight I lost 65 lbs last years in a fairly simple way; simply eating a balanced diet of fewer calories than I take in and getting moderate amounts of exercise. I used the bodybugg to track caloric burn but there are other devices that provide similar results.

    I measured every gram if food I ate and maintained a negative intake against total calorie burn. Thanks again for this excellent article.

  34. Kourtney Heintz

     /  March 19, 2012

    I think this is very valuable information! Thanks for sharing it. I tend to restrict my carbs because of a blood sugar and hormone imbalance, but when I follow my diet it is under the supervision and at the recommendation of my doctors. But balance is key with all diets. I love your suggestions to color the plate, balance it and adhere to moderation. All great things that will be beneficial to my eating. 🙂

  35. valuable writing – thanks

  36. sweetopiagirl

     /  March 22, 2012

    Reblogged this on Inspiredweightloss.

  37. Yes, it all goes back to where you get your carbs & healthier carbs that also contain important enzymes & vitamins as well as getting a good balance of healthy fats & good sources of protein like whey & nuts for example. Yes, it’s about balance & it’s also about non-processed natural sources of real food. Good article but we need to emphasize that there is a whole other article about those good fats & how they help us process those healthy carbs! Keep up the good work , but don’t put down the important fats that a lack of, has caused the majority of today’s issues with disease & the body’s ability to fight that disease. More Omega 3’s & less Omega 6’s are the key & we could do a whole article about sources of these. Thanks again!

  38. so informative and nutritious this post is!


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