Beauty of a Woman BlogFest

I first read Sam Levinson’s “The Beauty of a Woman” during a dark time in my life and repeatedly as I journeyed out. In honor of the poem and its message, I’m thrilled to welcome you to the first ever Beauty of A Woman BlogFest!

Since the posts began rolling in yesterday, it’s felt like Christmas and Valentine’s Day combined; each love-filled post is a gift as unique and insightful as its author—to all of whom I’m in awe. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself lost in the words and stories, shed a few tears and laugh until your belly aches. I hope you find them as inspiring, hilarious and thought-provoking as I did.

To participate, simply click on the following links—all of them or whichever strike your fancy. Then pop back here, post a comment and share this page via Twitter, Facebook and/or your own blog. I’ll put your name in a drawing for each shout out (maximum of 4) and for commenting and announce the winners on Monday. Prizes include a Kindle Touch, gift cards, books, body image coaching by Karen R. Koenig, dog training, a 10-page writing critique by Kristen Lamb, healthy sweets, e-classes and BOAW mugs. For more details on the prizes, click here.

Without further ado, let the fun begin!

Emma Burcart: What Is Beauty?
Serena Dracis: Beauty of a Woman BlogFest
Cynthia Cheng Mintz: Beauty of a Woman or How I Came to Accept My Petiteness
Cynthia Cheng Mintz: Beauty of a Woman: Trying to Embrace My Cinderella Feet
Louise Behiel: Beauty of a Woman BlogFest 2012
Kara Flathouse: Dear Daughters, A Beautiful Heart is Yours
Shannon Esposito: Beauty of a Woman BlogFest! 

Ginger Calem: Dear Thighs…We need to talk.
Julie Hedlund: Beauty of a Woman BlogFest
Sharon Howard: What is Beauty?
Amber West: Beauty of a Woman BlogFest
Kristine Parker: The Beauty of My Mother
Susie Lindau: Reflected Addiction
Karen Koenig: Why Can’t Our Bodies Be Okay?
Tamara (FitNitChick): The Last Time I Felt Beautiful 

Nisha (NM): Discovering the Joy of Mascara and Other Fun Stuff
Write On, Jana!: What Makes a Woman Beautiful?
Kecia Adams: Beauty of a Woman BlogFest: The Beauty of Aggression
Coleen Patrick: Beauty of a Woman BlogFest
Marcy Kennedy: The Lie of Helen of Troy
Debra Kristi: Defining Beauty of a Woman
Lena Corazon: Discovering My Beauty Through Writing

Prudence MacLeod: Beauty of a Woman
Myndi Shafer: I Am Beautiful…Just The Way I Am
Liz: the beauty of a woman.
E.C. Stilson: What is True Beauty?
Alicia Street: Beauty of a Woman BlogFest
Sheila Seabrook: The Beauty Within
Ingrid Shaffenburg: Love Thy Temple 

Julie Jordan Scott: You Are Beautiful—From the Beauty of a Woman BlogFest
Debra Eve: Unearthing the Beauty of a Woman
Sharon K. Owen: The Beauty of a Woman
Shanjeniah: Beauty of a Woman BlogFest 2012
Patricia Sands: You’re Beautiful, Just the Way You Are
C. Nicole White: Secret Envy
Mollie Player: I Can’t Admit I Like Chubby Girls

Proud2BMe: Everyone is Beautiful!
Katie (Oracular Spectacular): Beauty of Being a Woman: BlogFest 2012
Kristen Lamb: Beauty of a Woman BlogFest—Making Peace with My Thunder Thighs
Stephanie D: New Dimensions – Beauty of a Woman BlogFest
Samantha Warren: Just As You Are
Audrey Kalman: Tribute to a Different Kind of Beauty
Julia B. Whitmore: Beauty of a Woman BlogFest: Dye Baby, Dye

What did you think of the fest? How do you define beauty? Have a quip or tale to add? Share your thoughts as a comment below for a chance at the fab prizes!

Thanks for making the BOAW BlogFest an uplifting success!
You are all beautiful butterflies.

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  1. These are such great entries. I thought I had read most of them yesterday, but I can see there are several more to check out!

    Thanks for hosting August! You are truly an inspiration to all of us~

  2. Kourtney Heintz

     /  February 10, 2012

    August, this is amazing! I will be revisiting this page whenever I need a dose of real beauty. 🙂 Thanks so much for hosting this. You are beautiful, inspiration, and awe-inspiring.

  3. OMG, it will take me all day to read all these posts. Good thing I have all day to myself, right? 🙂
    August, this is awesome, you rock!

  4. gingercalem

     /  February 10, 2012

    This is the day!! I’ve opened my schedule so I can read and savor the stories and celebrate being the Beauty of being a Woman! Thanks, August!

  5. Thanks for the wonderful blogfest! I want to share the inspiring video my women’s literature students made in response to the question “How can I feel good about myself when everyone else tells me to feel bad?” It was even selected for NOW’s Love Your Body Day website! Check out
    Note to Self: This is What Beautiful Looks Like:

  6. Blown away by all the blogs! You did a fabulous job of putting this together, August!!

  7. Thanks for your brilliant idea of hosting this Blogfest, August. It’s a privilege to be part of it and such good fun as well. I can see how I won’t get too much writing accomplished this morning … I’m going to immerse myself in all this beauty instead!

    • Thanks, all! I can’t tell you what your support means to me. And yes, expect to get very little else done once you start reading… I speak from experience! 😉 Time well spent. I feel incredibly blessed.

  8. Love this concept, August. Holmes has a series on Iran going that I didn’t want to interrupt, but definitely linking in the mashup on Friday.

    How do I define beauty? I harken back to my grandmother. “Beauty is as Beauty does.” All the best.

  9. Absolutely one of the most incredible posts and events ever. I am so sorry I didn’t take part…sniff…but I will enjoy visiting and reading each and every blog post over the weekend and promoting them across the lands!! I read a lot of them yesterday and was just blown away. I was continually reminded that our beauty resides within each of us and shines through like a beacon of light. We are women. We are beautiful. Here us roar!

    • Well said, Natalie! Support from a beauty like you means oodles. And I think I DO hear you roaring… Hmm… *listens closer* 😉 So happy to share all of this with you.

  10. I know I already said this to you, August, but I want to thank you again for creating this wonderful opportunity for us to reflect on how lucky we are to be and know beautiful women! I look forward to reading the other contributions today! 🙂

  11. I read the first entry by Emma Burcart and I am looking forward to reading them all this weekend.

    I am one of those women who is very hard on myself. I also had an “ED” in college and it seems to linger in the shadows all the time. Reading articles like these really inspire me!

  12. BoJo Photo

     /  February 10, 2012

    What a great celebration! Great collection of articles!

  13. Awesome. Inspiring. Funny. Touching. Real. I am woman, hear me roar! And what a wonderful roar it is. Thank you, August, your beauty radiates from this blog and throughout the blogosphere today. And, thanks to all your beautiful participants, you’ve all brightened so many lives I am speechless (well, almost!).

  14. I read a bunch of these yesterday, August, and was SOOOOOOOO impressed! What a great collection of talented writers with unique voices you’ve rounded up here. Congratulations to everyone!!!

  15. wow. this is amazing, august!!! thank you for doing this!

  16. Thank you, August. You’ve performed a wonderful service for your sisters with this blogfest. I read and commented on several of the entries on their own sites. It’s important to get beyond what you THINK you see in the mirror and begin to appreciate what God gave you – and that applies to men as well as women, although in my experience most men aren’t as honestly introspective as women.

  17. Jessica O'Neal

     /  February 10, 2012

    I love that you are doing this August! I haven’t had time to read all the posts yet, but I plan to. This is such an important message for women and such a difficult one to learn. I only found out about this yesterday, so I didn’t have time to write a post for it, but I did dedicate today’s mash-up to it. Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing this!!

  18. Such an honor to be involved. Each post, each contributor and commenter uniquely beautiful himself/herself. A great way to invest my time today, reading ~ connecting ~ and feeling beautiful.

  19. I had no idea what I was going to write when I started (or how I was going to get it done with my best friend in town) but I knew I had to be a part of it. Your blog has been inspiring a countless number of times – this is an amazing collection you’ve put together.

    Love to all the bloggers who took part! I’ll get to reading all of them across the weekend. 🙂

  20. Cheating on work time to sneak a peek at the many blog offerings. What a joy to see! August, this is incredible, and congratulations to all who participated. Can’t wait to read through all of these!

  21. What a great collection of posts! I read many of them yesterday, but I’ll try to read more this weekend.
    August, thank you for your idea and effort putting this together.
    And just a reminder: guys, read these pieces. They’re not just for women, and they’re truly insightful.
    I wish my daughter were old enough to read some of these posts.

    • Print them out and save them for her, Fabio. At some point, she’ll appreciate it. I think y’all should get together and combine these into an e-Book. It would be beautiful, just like all of you. 🙂

      • Printing them is good idea, Jenny, but combining them into an eBook is a brilliant one! Come on, authors! Make this happen! 🙂

    • Thanks, you guys! Lovely thoughts and ideas. I’m overwhelmed—in great ways. 🙂

  22. Elena Aitken

     /  February 10, 2012

    Fantastic!! Amazing collection of posts. And thank you, August for putting this together.
    What a great idea. 🙂

  23. Thank you for holding such a wonderful blogfest, August. It’s been a pleasure to read so many great posts and to have so many amazing women to share this day with. I’m already looking forward to next year’s event and just want to say thank-you-thank-you-thank-you for letting us share this day with you. 🙂

  24. August I think you started an epidemic! There are so many beautiful women on board with this project!

    Thank you for reminding us that beauty is everywhere and all we have to do is embrace it!

    Thank you for putting togther this day of celebration!

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

    • Beauty epidemic. Love that! So glad you’ve enjoyed, Patricia. Today has definitely felt like a joyful, inspiring party. Such a blessing to have everyone, you included. 🙂

  25. Yeaaa me, I did it! I visited each and every one of them. (pats self on back) August, this was such a great idea and so much fun to take part in. Thank you so much. 🙂

  26. Kim Waldenmaier

     /  February 10, 2012

    I have loved reading so many of the blogs. They represent so many sides of beauty. But I think my favorite quote came from Kristien Lamb’s post:

    “My weight goes up. It goes down. Hell, I have everything from a size 2 to a size 16 in my closet. But, at the end of the day, none of that really matters when it comes to beauty. Real beauty is a white light we shine into the world, and we can only see it reflected in others. Kindness, generosity, love, patience are all qualities that make those around us glow…and we all look skinnier in that kind of lighting.”


  27. Thank you so much, August, for putting this together. I’ve been honored to participate!

  28. I love this concept – so many great bloggers writing together about such an important subject. I’ve read quite a few of the posts already and during the weekend will read more. Great timing too – right before the Valentine’s Day, when we all want to feel beautiful but so often misunderstand what the true beauty really means.

  29. Yay, woohoo! It felt great to be a part of this August. But whoa! I am overwhelmed by all the great blogs, where do I start??!! Ha ha 🙂

    Awesome job putting this altogether, by the way, you must be knackered!

  30. Been reading these posts off and on all day, so inspiring. Thank you for organizing it, and thank you to the contributors for providing such wonderful reading material! I have a girl-crush on all of you. 🙂

  31. This was so amazing, August. So important, too. I am proud to be a part of it and inspired by the wonerful posts I read. I really hope this becomes a yearly tradition.

  32. This really was inspiring and amazing to watch, August. Great job gathering all this together, and fantastic work by all the bloggers! Thanks for making a list here, I’d missed some. I want to wrap my arms around all this happy goodness and squeeze it tight. Thanks!

  33. I came here by way of Patricia Sands blog. I knew after reading her post that this was something I would love. I appreciate what you’ve done here today August. What terrific links. I’ll be bookmarking this page so the next time I feel anything less than beautiful, I can come back here and read one, two or three of these links. I’ll be carrying the messages of all these lovely women for a long, long time. Thank you!

  34. What a wonderful blogfest, August. I found this via Lena Corazon’s blog, and am so glad. I’ve enjoyed the stories a great deal, so many different entries about beauty, worth, and strength.

  35. gingercalem

     /  February 10, 2012

    And …. I’ve read them all and have been touched, amazed, brought to tears, laughed and basked in the beauty of a woman ALL day!

  36. Wow. I’m stunned! So many awesome posts, so much truth, so much laughter. I love how this question has been answered so many ways…
    Thanks so much for hosting this, August. You are so beautiful.
    I’m going to spread this around! I want all my friends to read it. 🙂

  37. I’ve only had the chance to visit a few posts so far. I’ve appreciated the honesty, the variety … I hope this becomes an annual event!

  38. Anna Carlson

     /  February 10, 2012

    I just read the post “My Daughters, A BeautifulHeart us Yours.” I was immediately drawn to it as I am the mother of four daughters myself. What a beautiful post…brought tears to my eyes and inspired me to want to write some letters like that to my own daughters! Thanks for that inspiration, and thank you to my sister August for inviting me to read this blog fest!

    • So touched that you stopped by, Anna. Coming from a woman, mother and sister as beautiful as you, the support means bunches. 🙂 Hug your girls for me!

  39. August, I haven’t read all of the entries yet, but I do plan to read each and every one, as I’ve been so moved by the ones I have read. Very inspired blogfest. THANK YOU for putting it together for us!

  40. Thank you, August, for this fabulous blogfest. I’ve only read a handful of posts so far, but they’re awesome and heartfelt and moving. And I can relate to so many, and also the comments. I hope my daughters will read these posts one day, too. Not only do I relate to these posts and comments myself (and am reminded of humiliating times in my past when I was teased or hated my looks), but I also relived the trials each of my three daughters have dealt with. It’s even harder for a mother to see her daughter suffer than to go through it herself. I’m just thankful they could talk to me about their feelings and that I was able to offer what guidance and comfort I could (and still do). Each one dealt with unique and different issues. They’re all beautiful, but they don’t always see it. They pick on their flaws just like the rest of us. I’ll eventually read all the posts. Each is unique and inspiring. I’m so thankful to be a part of this, as a reader and commenter. If I wasn’t overwhelmed with moving and adjusting to babysitting full-time, I might have written a post, too, but I honestly couldn’t think of what to write. After reading some of them, it triggered a million and twenty things I could have written about, so that’s what I’m doing in my comments!

  41. Lynne Favreau

     /  February 10, 2012

    Debra Eve’s entry encompassed three beauties, Marija, the Goddesses, and Debra herself. I so love reading these type of vignettes from women’s lives.

    What a pleasure and inspiration August.

  42. A wonderful blog fest. I wrote something awhile back about the body beautiful and how we are all pressured to look a certain way. I learned a lot from my time in San Miguel de Allende when I encountered an overweight Mexican Indian model who had more confidence than the average North American. I wrote a guest post for Paul Renaye’s blog.

  43. fivereflections

     /  February 10, 2012

    August – amazing “Beauty of a Woman BlogFest”

    David in Maine USA

  44. Brilliant idea, August. I’ve read so many great blogs today. and I’ve been really touched by the comments on mine. thanks for putting this together and hosting us. it’s been a blast.

  45. Made it through the postings, and ladies, I am just in awe. I knew this was going to be good, but you have all blown me away. You made me laugh, you made me cry, I saw myself reflected in some of you. Old hurts and similar experiences lost some sting when seen as shared and not solely my own. Thank you, August, this was really incredible and I’m proud and humbled to have been part of it.

  46. Wow! An astonishing array of beauty from all these fabulous bloggers!! I got through a lot of them yesterday, but I’m going to have to make a huge cup of tea and go through the rest this afternoon. It’s going to be a treat to myself.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you August for putting this together! I feel so connected to all of these women and have a stronger sense of self from reading about their beauty and their encouragement to us to find our inner beauty.

  47. Inspiring and uplifting! Thanks for doing this, great reading all the contributions! Sharing on my facebook page

  48. I couldn’t get online yesterday, but this is a perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Such inspiring and uplifting stories!!

  49. Saffy

     /  February 11, 2012

    Thanks so much for this August, all of it is so inspiring and really makes one think anew about the concept of beauty. It’s wonderful to have come across your blog and I have certainly been greatly inspired by your blog. Thanks 😀

    I am definitely going to be sharing this with many of my friends.

  50. Woosh! I think I finally got everyone – and then some. Although, not everyone let me comment or like. But so be it. I was there! Fantastic August! This was a wonderful thing you put together. Putting my hands together for you. Take a bow!

  51. I just started a blog for African American tweens and teens. I would really like to do something like this on my blog to get a conversation going about positive images around beauty and looks. Thanks so much for this!

    We are the internet’s new blog for African American tweens and teens. The FAB Girls. Because being female and black=fab! Visit us at, and follow us on Twitter at @thefabgirldaily.

  52. I am so tickled to find these blogs! Yours, as well! I followed a link from Kristen’s facebook post. Now off to read more. Thank you!!!

  53. Loved Dear Thighs by Ginger! Don’t we all have a love hate relationship with at lease one body part? Regardless of how beautiful we believe we are! Thanks Ginger I am looking at a part or two differently today!

  54. Emma’s What is Beauty is my reality so it touched home. Since moving to L.A. I have had complete strangers tell me I need to go to the gym or my fave is a woman who thought men were not attracted me and that I, April Bella was insecure! What! I love my curves and believe the men do too! I was once stopped by a very sexy young man who told me “You are my type, not the skinny blondes running all over this town” (L.A.). We are all beautiful, with or without curves. Thank you Emma!

  55. Finding the Right Words was so Beautiful! Mom’s are the best. Without them who would be look up to?

  56. Kecia’s the Beauty of Aggression really hit home. If it wasn’t for our own strong self confidence, we would be lost in a world full of people that try to squeeze us into unrealistic molds.

  57. Shannon Esposito

     /  February 12, 2012

    I have to say, after reading all these amazing women and their ideas about true beauty…I feel so beautiful!~ Thank you for bringing us all together, August. You seriously rocked the web!

  58. My goodness August, this was such a successful feat you pulled off my dear!

    Please forgive me for being late to the party again. I was held captive by the McFarland family reunion. It was a lot of fun but I am now detoxing from an overdose of too much testosterone! The timing of this blogfest cannot have been better. I look forward to reading each and every one of these beautiful estrogen filled posts. I am using this as part of my recovery! lol 🙂

    I think it will take about a week to read them all, but what I’ve read so far is truly amazing! Thank you August for gathering women from all walks of life to celebrate their own beauty and uniqueness! Great job! 🙂

  59. I’ve always felt beauty springs forth from a person’s soul. That’s why I find the Kardashians so ugly.

  60. What a wonderful post! Especially when our ideas of beauty have been going through a transformation in the media. It’s challenging to hold on to a belief, that you are enough, just the way you are. I was reminded of this when I took an art class and met a female model, who was by our standards, out of shape, but boy did she have confidence. Because she was comfortable in her own skin, she was beautiful. Love is loving yourself first this Valentine’s Day. Love all the wrinkles, folds and imperfections of a woman’s natural beauty.

  1. All You Beautiful Women and Men, Flaunt It! | Tameri Etherton
  2. Magazines subscriptions support MADD Canada – Natalie Hartford
  3. The End is Near (and we deserve it). . . . Scratch ‘N Sniff Jeans « Author Piper Bayard
  4. Discovering My Beauty Through Writing | Lena Corazon
  5. Did you know this about Dickens??? « Patricia Sands' Blog
  6. 10 Years of Peace with his Cancer – Plus the Row80 Check-in | Debra Kristi's Blog
  7. ROW80 Update 7 + Grammar Song « Fabio Bueno
  8. Sheila Seabrook » ROW80: Week 6 Check In
  9. Gratitude Sunday 72 « Julie Hedlund – Write Up My Life
  10. ROW80: Is It Spring Break Yet? | Lena Corazon
  11. Make Like Dorothy: BOAW BlogFest Wrap Up « August McLaughlin's Blog
  12. Love and Inner Beauty
  13. A Plethora of “Naked” Links To Rock Your World | Jenny Hansen's Blog
  14. Announcing: The Beauty of a Woman BlogFest II! « August McLaughlin's Blog
  15. Did you know this about Dickens?
  16. The Year I Became Bionic (#BOAW2015) | Jenny Hansen's Blog
  17. The Beauty of a Woman BlogFest V: Save the Date! | Girl Boner

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